In order to migrate to Australia, you will be required to satisfy a complicated and ever-changing set of rules and regulations. The Migration Act and the Migration Regulations change almost as frequently as the Australian Taxation Act. It is becoming increasingly difficult for laypersons to understand migration criteria and how these criteria are applied by the Australian Immigration authorities.
One of the most difficult aspects of migrating to Australia is to decide which visa application is most appropriate to your needs and/or circumstances:
Partner/Family Migration
The Partner/Family Migration Stream seeks to reunite Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents and eligible New Zealand citizens with their close family members. A number of migration pathways exist for families, including fiancés or married/de facto partners of Australians. For further information, click here.
Global Talent Program
Australia is recruiting professionals recognised internationally at the top of their field. If you are nominated as the “best and the brightest” in a target industry, you may be eligible to apply for permanent residency via the Global Talent program. For further information, click here.
Employer Sponsored Migration
If you are nominated to fill a skilled full -time position by an Australian employer, you may be eligible to apply for a visa within the Permanent Employer-Sponsored visa program via Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS), Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) or Labour Agreements program. A streamlined pathway may be available if you hold a Temporary Employer-Sponsored visa and your employer nominates you for a permanent position in the same occupation or if you have cutting-edge skills and are sponsored by an Australian business or start-up.
Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional Visas take priority by the Australian Immigration authorities.
General Skilled Migration
To meet core eligibility criteria of General Skilled Migration, your occupation must be included in a list of gazetted occupations and your skills must be assessed by the relevant assessing authority in Australia as suitable for that occupation. Primary applicants must be able to demonstrate Competent English and must pass the General Skilled Migration points test.
Skilled Work Regional Visas take priority by the Australian Immigration authorities.
Business Innovation and Investment
The purpose of the Business Innovation and Investment Program is to increase entrepreneurial talent and capital investment in Australia. The program targets business owners with a proven record of entrepreneurship as well as budding entrepreneurs with high potential business ideas and high-end investors. You must be nominated by the relevant State/Territory government agency.

Due to the complexity of Australia’s migration laws, we recommend that all prospective migrants register for our pre-assessment visa service. For a set fee, we shall identify your visa options and the likelihood of success before you invest considerable time, energy and money into preparing and lodging an Expression of Interest (EOI) and/or a visa application with the Australian Immigration authorities.
Our Pre-assessment Visa Service is designed to:
- Consider your intended purposes of stay in Australia;
- Consider your circumstances that are relevant to visa criteria (overseas educational qualifications of a recognized standard, employment experience at a skilled level, age, English proficiency level, eligibility for sponsorship by Australian State/Territory Governments or regional authorities; Australian relatives, Australian employers, business/entrepreneurship/investment experience, global talent, distinguished talent);
- Offer an expert opinion of whether you can meet visa criteria.
If a realistic visa option is identified, we shall make an offer to prepare your Expression of Interest (EOI) and/or entire visa application for submission to the Australian Immigration authorities. In accordance with the Code of Conduct for registered migration agents, AITS will advise you not to proceed with an application if the prospect of success is limited.
Should you wish to determine the likelihood of success of your visa application prior to investing time, energy and cost into its preparation, please contact us to register for our pre-assessment visa service.